May 20, 2024
29er Wheel Size Trek Mountain Bike

What is a 29er Mountain Bike – Beginner Mountain Bike Guides

A 29er Mountain bike is a 29 inch wheel diameter sized Mountain Bike. 29ers are the largest standard of mountain bike wheels with the other being 27.5″ and the smallest being 26″.

Larger wheel sizes hold their speed better than smaller wheel sizes.

29er wheel size is now the industry standard on adult sized mountain bikes. The width of 29er mountain bike tires typically range from 2.0″ to 3.0″.

How 29ers Differ to 27.5 inch Tires

27.5 inch tires are preferred for a more playful feeling bike.

29er bikers are considered to be better for racing and generally preferred for faster riding. This is because the larger wheel sizes hold their speeds better than smaller wheel sizes.

Larger diameter wheels hold momentum better and are not slowed down as easily by bumps on the trail.

27.5 inch tires are preferred for a more playful feeling bike. Not only are they lighter but they also make the bike shorter in length. These two combined mean the bike is more flickable, a preference for many whose goal is to have fun on trails and not set lap times.

27.5 inch tires are more usually spec’d in plus size form. This is a tire that is at least 2.8″ wide. With this width of tire grip will be increase tremendously. In addition they provide a nice suspension cushion as they can be run at lower pressures.

Advantages of 29er Wheels

  • Get up to speed and keep top speed better
  • Climb over obstacles better than smaller wheel sizes
  • More natural wheel size for taller riders over 6 feet tall.

29er Wheel and Tire Mountain Bike

Advantages of 27.5 wheel size

  • Lighter in weight
  • More manoeuvrable than 29er wheels
  • More readily available with plus sized tire (2.8″ or larger)

Why Are Most Mountain Bikes 29er Now?

Most manufacturers have now moved over to the 29er wheels as their standard configuration for mountain bikes.

This is because they believe the advantages of 29ers along with modern frame design outweighs any disadvantages the larger size may have.

While 27.5 size bikes are still readily available, the old 26″ size have been phased out by most major mountain bike manufacturers.


Which Size Wheel Mountain Bike Should I Buy?

Smaller riders who ride small or extra small sized bikes should opt for 27.5″

Your choice of wheel size will largely depend on what size bike you ride. For riders riding Large or Extra Large frame sizes 29ers are recommended. 29ers will be a more natural fit for this frame size.

If you want a more playful bike regardless of size then 27.5 wheel size is recommended as they are easier to flick around. This is due to the shorter wheelbase, lighter wheels and overall smaller profile of the bike.

26er Mountain Bike Wheel Size

Smaller riders who ride small or extra small sized bikes should opt for 27.5″ wheels as it is a more natural fit. 29ers on smaller bikes can make the bike feel too sluggish for smaller riders.

We don’t recommend buying 26″ wheel bikes any longer. This is mostly due to the lack of spare parts available now that they are being phased out.

This is not to say that 26″ wheeled bikes are bad. 26″ bikes are still very capable bikes. Get as much mileage as you can out of the bike as long as you can find spares for the parts you need.


Can I Switch Between Wheel Sizes on My Bike?

Most mountain bike frames are typically designed around one wheel size. This means it is often not recommended to switch a 27.5er to 29er and vice versa.

While it is possible to do so, the bike will not ride as originally intended by the designers. This could lead to an unstable feeling bike.

Bikes such as the Specialized Fuse have adjustable dropouts that accommodate fitting of both 29″ and 27.5″ wheels.

Before considering a switch check the manufacturer guidance on the frame you intend to use to check for compatibility.


As a keen mountain biker of many years, Jason enjoys providing straight forward advice to beginners looking to get started with their new hobby.

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